Staff Directory

Paul Abbott

T&F Sprints Coach

staff photo of Ed Ackerman
Ed Ackerman

Boys Soccer Assistant Coach

staff photo of Pono Aiona
Pono Aiona

Asst Varsity Football

Avrey Alamillo

Jasmine Alesna

VB Asst Coach

staff photo of Gaurav Anand
Gaurav Anand

Assistant Coach

staff photo of Yohaness Asnake
Yohaness Asnake

Cross Country Coach; Distance Track Coach

Tanjit Athwal

staff photo of Ondrey Betner
Ondrey Betner

FS Football & JV Softball Coach

staff photo of Jason Lu
Jason Lu

Athletic Director; Varsity Girls Golf

staff photo of Vito Cangemi
Vito Cangemi

Football Asst Coach; Varsity Boys Golf

staff photo of Marissa Canez
Marissa Canez

Varsity Volleyball Coach

staff photo of Zach Canez
Zach Canez

Varsity Baseball Coach

staff photo of James Carter
James Carter

FS Football & JV Girls Basketball Coach

staff photo of Joann Chau
Joann Chau

Asst Basketball Coach

staff photo of Roberto Clemente
Roberto Clemente

Football Assistant Coach; Wrestling Varsity Coach

staff photo of Reynard Elzey
Reynard Elzey

staff photo of Genti Fici
Genti Fici

Asst Track Coach

staff photo of Jason Foy
Jason Foy

Adam Greer

JV Baseball Head Coach

Leslie Franklin

staff photo of Kurtis Helm
Kurtis Helm

JV Softball asst coach

staff photo of Dillon Hu
Dillon Hu

staff photo of Chelsea Jaculina
Chelsea Jaculina

JV Girls Tennis & JV Girls Basketball Coach

staff photo of Jason Jattan
Jason Jattan

Asst Varsity Boys Soccer Coach

staff photo of Artemas Jenkins
Artemas Jenkins

staff photo of Paige Kheylik
Paige Kheylik

Girls Water Polo Coach

staff photo of Kelly King
Kelly King

Varsity Football Coach

staff photo of Dion Lacson
Dion Lacson

staff photo of Naomi Lacuzong
Naomi Lacuzong

Frosh Girls Volleyball, Asst Girls Basketball, Asst Boys Volleyball

staff photo of Jeff Lamb
Jeff Lamb

V girls volleyball asst coach

Megan Lam

Asst Wrestling Coach

Jane Lee

JV Girls Soccer Head Coach

staff photo of William Leffler
William Leffler

V baseball asst coach

staff photo of Kristian Lecours
Kristian Lecours

staff photo of Jason Lu
Jason Lu

Jake Malone

Christian Manisay

Asst Varsity Wrestling Coach

staff photo of Franco Mannucci
Franco Mannucci

Track head coach

staff photo of Alfredo Martinez
Alfredo Martinez

staff photo of Tyrone Monroe
Tyrone Monroe

V girls basketball head coach

staff photo of Mark Navarro
Mark Navarro

Head Coach Boys FS Soccer

staff photo of Esien Ng
Esien Ng

Asst Coach

staff photo of Choo Meng Ng
Choo Meng Ng

badminton asst coach

staff photo of Austin Ngyuen
Austin Ngyuen

asst track coach

staff photo of Tommy Nguyen
Tommy Nguyen

badminton coach

Troy Patterson

staff photo of Victor Parette
Victor Parette

staff photo of Adam Perez
Adam Perez


staff photo of Dong Pham
Dong Pham


Michael Primicias

staff photo of Deana Querubin
Deana Querubin

JV Volleyball Coach; Varsity Softball Coach

staff photo of Johnny Razo
Johnny Razo

James Sampson

Varsity Girls Soccer Coach

staff photo of Matt Robbins
Matt Robbins

Flag Football Coach

Peter Roxas

Frosh Boys Basketball Coach

staff photo of Kulwant Singh
Kulwant Singh

Asst. Varsity Boys Soccer Coach

Travis Strangman

Asst Swim & Dive Coach

staff photo of Anthony Tran
Anthony Tran

T& F Throws Coach

staff photo of Cindy Tsai
Cindy Tsai

Asst Girls Basketball Coach

staff photo of Kyler VanSwol
Kyler VanSwol

Asst Varsity Water Polo & Head Swim Coach

staff photo of Navya Virk
Navya Virk

track asst coach

Kathryn Peterson

Swimming Assistant Coach

staff photo of Rosie Walker
Rosie Walker

JV Softball

staff photo of James Williams
James Williams

Head Coach Boys Soccer

staff photo of Kathy Willinsky
Kathy Willinsky

FS Boys Basketball; JV Volleyball Coach

Maecy Williams

staff photo of Champ Wrencher
Champ Wrencher